*today's victim*

it's MIA day ! 

//Assalamualaikum <3 Annyeong ! haha, smart tak title entry ni ? of course ! ha ? who's that ? *donno* . hehe, kidddin' laa . crazy right ! haha, org dh lama absent skolah, like this laa . act, it's about 3 weeks i tk dtg skolah . why ? freedom PMR ! //alasanminahgila . sebenar-benar-benar-nya, i jaga suami kt rumah . *pengantin baru* . -_- . act my parents yg suruh . dorg suruh tlg pape yg patut kt rumah . ikut hati, nk sgt balik hostel //ayatrinducikguFAUZI . i miss all my friends, teachers, and the most i miss is ten-ten-ten ! cari laa sendiri . but, uolls wait-wait for me next week ha ! tentu byk gossip i dh missed ni . haish !

tadi just startin' . my aim, this entry i nk tujukan khas for my cutie, MIA , cause today is her day .  wishin' u a happy birthday . jd ALONG yg the best for ur family . size doesn't meant the weakness but it is what we called the *KELEBIHAN*. haha //myprinsip . even tk dpt celebrate sama-sama, just enough to write in this . hope u like it . selama ni, aku suka gila kwn dgn kau . kau baik gila dohh ! kau cute . kau cantik . kau BRILLIANT ! pendek kata, kau gorgeous laa . proud to be ur friends . this is some present from ur *most cutest* friends, haha :

my hand make it .

my husband company shop, haha .

this city, u guess where it is ? it in KOREA, mira ! korea ! u see, how kind is ur friends is . dia nak ajak u pergi KOREA . wow ! she said, money is not important . happiness is most important . look ! anak sapa laa tu //tanganatasbahu . boleh jumpa Suju + Ft Island + Shinee + Big Bang + B2st + ..
and soooo on laa .. kauorang ada kwn mcm ni ? no ! so, cari-cari laa eh . haha .

lastly, this cute-cute cupcakes, i will bring it next week . haha . remem : SUNDAY , at 12.59 p.m. , in BERLIAN 4 ! i will give it to u in my DREAM laa . selalu aku dah tidur dah time ni . baek kn -_- .

haha . mira, ni je mampu aku buat . sekadar balasan utk kau sbb dah tag aku that day . i really love it . 

urmm , for others , don't worry .. this is my first entry for birthday . i will write about ur birthday next time, hah ! promise ! 

ouh, almost forgot it ! happy birthday to JUDIN .. thanks for being my *postmen* last year . still remember it ? haha . and happy birthday to for all who celebrate their birthday today ! have a nice day ...

p/s : sorry ! this entry need 100% of imagination ...